1 May 2016

Paying for my time

I sew and I love to sew.  If I see something I like and want and I can make it, I will.  

My sewing started when I was very young (3 or 4 years old), my mum and grandma sewed and therefore so did I.  At first it was just things or clothes for dolly, but I soon started making clothes for me.  My mum made my clothes and I sort of rebelled, because I wanted to wear more "modern" clothes and something different to my sister.

It was the early 1970's and clothes were expensive - everything was expensive.  I remember my mum crying because she had bought 5lb of potatoes and inside her bag (you went to the greengrocers with your string bag) was a large pebble.  She had just bought a very expensive pebble and to top it all we wouldn't have enough potatoes for the week.  Anyway - we could only dream of buying clothes off the peg and apart from C&A, Woolworths and BHS, there wasn't much choice.  Grandma was great, she made all our best clothes and even bought us clothes from Marks and Spencers.  She worked at S R Gents, who made clothes for Marks and Spencers, so had contacts.

In my teens I started making clothes for me, one off items.  There were plenty of fabric shops and lots to choose from.  I saved my pocket money and bought wisely.  It never occurred to me to make clothes for other people.  

But over the past thirty years or so I have been asked to make clothes for people and I have always refused.  Or I have been honest and told them how much it would cost.  Many brides-to-be ask me to make their bridesmaid dresses.  I'm sure they think I am cheap and are very surprised when my quote is far more than their off the peg wedding dress.  

One of the biggest costs is my labour, but material can only be bought in small quantities and therefore don't have the bulk price that the manufacturers can buy at.  My labour charge is £15 an hour and add to that the cost of consumables and electricity etc.  I am just too expensive.

In my last post I showed you one of the aprons I made

I posted the picture on Facebook as it was of interest to my friends.  Not all my makes go on Facebook because I like my friends to guess what I have made.

Well a neighbour say the apron and wanted one for her Dad.  She asked me if I would make one and said there was no rush as she didn't need it until August.  I never really answered her at the time, I never do, just changed the subject.  The material is from The Little Button Co and they also sell the aprons.  I know I have made one, but it was for my own use and a "gift" for my mum.  I say "gift" because she paid me for the material.  The material for one apron costs £18.  They sell their aprons for £18.  I know my neighbour would buy one off me for £25, as I guess she thinks she is doing me a favour.  But I should confess and say that I would be in breach of copyright and get her to buy one from The Little Button Co. 

My husband appreciates what I make and loves the quirky things I make him and as for my mum, how many aprons would pay for all the times she has wiped my bum, nose or blooded knee?