31 January 2017

Time to say Goodbye

But don't get upset, I am not going forever, just moving.

From today I have moved my blog to www.sewcialsewing.co.uk 

It's a website I have designed and hosting all by myself.  So when you visit, please be kind as I am very new at this.

Sew hope to see you over there.



11 January 2017

New Year - New Beginnings

The sewing machines arrived as promised . . . 

. . . but only on Monday.  So hastily put them in the bags, quick test and took them to classes yesterday.

So far only one person turned up to my teens class, but I know the word will spread.

As for the adults, lots got done last night.  One lady learnt how to put in an invisible zip.  On lady brought in her finished jacket 

This is the back of the jacket

Here is the detail of the bound buttonholes and covered button.  Both techniques she hadn't done before and were perfect for the style of jacket.  Last night I got her to use the overlocker, she was terrified at first, but soon loved it.  She noticed how quick it was.

One of my novices finished a summer top.

This was her first attempt at doing gathers, and she was very pleased (as she should have been) with herself for getting them so neat.