31 October 2014

Tidying my Work Room part 2

Well sorting out my work room has been going on at a pace.  I've even got my hubby to join in and help.
Funny how little things start an avalanche.  I happened to mention to my husband that I wanted to sort out my work room and, that I have taken out my lace making equipment and was going to sort it out and put it away.  The conversation continued until eventually it lead to us going to ikea and hubby constructing a new desk.
First of all, I showed hubby a picture of the Horn Cut Easy MK2

This is to replace my current cutting out table.  Which is an old dining table that now only has two legs and has seen too much action to survive this round of reorganising.  So we went into my work room (which is only 3m x 3m) and we set about designing the new layout. He said I should buy the cutting out table and then went and found a desk on ikea's website to replace my existing work bench.  This is going to be recycled and used as a work bench over some cupboards and shelves.  Instead of paying for expensive fitted wardrobes, we are going to move the existing cupboards, but before we do that we are (or rather I am) going to decorate.  Hubby is going to fit a new floor, put in some extra electrics and, source a new ceiling light, because he says the existing one is too dull.
So all in all I am one lucky lady, I have a work room, I have a clever and talented hubby who is going to build and construct things for me, also I will soon have a beautiful new work room freshly decorated and with a new workable layout.  
I say soon, we are putting it on the back boiler until after our ski trip.

Now where did I put that list of UFO's . . . . . . 

25 October 2014

Tidying My Work Room

The other day I had an hour to spare (lucky you I can hear you shout), so set about reorganising my workroom and clean (sorry I had to swear) it.
Taking up a lot of space in my workroom is my lace making equipment.  So I set about getting to it, this itself was not easy as it was hidden under mountains of other things.  Once found, I took them out and placed them in the hallway, for a decision as to what to do with it all later.
Then I hoovered, dusted and moved things around, quite merrily for the next half hour or so. When I had finished, there was no more space in my workroom than before! How could this be?
Well the two main culprits (after the lace making equipment) are: firstly my stash of material; and secondly my burgeoning pile of unfinished objects (UFOs).  I also have a dressmakers' dummy and a mannequin, but they don't count.
Firstly my material stash is split into categories and then stored accordingly.  I have nine drawers of scraps, each draw holding a colour theme.  I then have a box of cut cotton for scrap quilting.  I also have a picnic basket of material, this is mainly cotton for quilting.  Three large boxes contain dressmaking material of various types; from silk and satin to denim and leather.  Stood on their ends in a corner are rolls of interfacing, material and wadding.
As for my UFOs.  They are everywhere.  Mainly in bags either sat on the floor or hung on hooks.  Mostly, these are projects that should be frogged, but I don't give up that easy, and I will finish them.
I have a list of things to make/finish off.  This list was started in August and I haven't done anything other than what is on the list.  This is working so far.
Once this list has been finished I will make another list and I think I will have two columns.  One for items to make from my stash, and the second one of UFOs.  I know I will stick to this, I may even buy a book to write it in!
This has worked for me before, and I know it will work again.  Now, how to stop buying more material . . . . . . . .

20 October 2014

Halloween is coming

Today I have made one of my favourite quick makes, a Halloween Ghost.

It's simple and cheap and check out my instructions on the right hand side of this blog