30 September 2016

Busy Two weeks

Having visited a local pet supplies, I got talking to the owner.  She makes cushions for dog beds stuffed with memory foam pellets.

That got me thinking and I was soon down to Dunelm Mills and bought some memory foam pellets and some material to make him a cushion for his basket.

I made it 10" deep so that it would be doubly comfy.

Next was  a cover for Ruby's bed.  She sleeps in an envelope and this was easy to make, especially as I bought some double sided fleece from Harrogate.  

We then bought 8 cu feet of memory foam pellets and Red's night time cushion was made from the waterproof material bought from Pennine Outdoors.

The left over fleece was made into a blanket.

Then I washed the cover from his old night time cushion and transformed it into a cushion for his summer house bed.

Then the spare night time cushion was unstuffed and made into a cushion for Dan.  Not that Red would get out of the basket so that I could photo it.

Whilst on a roll, I have made a cushion for the living room out of the spare material.

Now it's time to make something for myself, I think I've earned it.

Where do you think Dan and Red are sleeping now?  Dan is on the landing at the top of the stairs and Red is on the sofa. 

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