1 December 2016

Teaching Teenagers

Today I have taken the plunge and advertised this on Facebook . . . .

Starting Tuesday 10th January 2017, I'm going to start a new sewing class. This is because of the kind generosity of Penistone Round Table who have provided funding for 3 Sewing Machines.
The classes will be from 4pm to 6pm at St John's Community Centre in the IT Room. The cost will be £6 per evening. This will be every Tuesday during term time. Free tea, coffee, hot chocolate and biscuits will be available as well as the use of the 3 sewing machines and an overlocker.
This is ideal for beginners, improvers or anyone interested in sewing. Maybe you are doing textiles at school and are wanting to finish it at home? If you have your own machine, you are welcome to bring it along. It is recommended you bring a project along with you as I do not stock any material. I have patterns for free loan and I also have a small stock of haberdashery to buy.
As for me, I have been sewing for over 40 years, and been teaching for four. My main passion is clothing, historical costume, corsetry, lingerie, but I also do patchwork and quilting, up-cycling, free machine embroidery, toys and soft furnishings.
If you need to speak to me, either message me on here, or come and see me at the Crafty Business Makers Market on Sunday 11th December 2016 between 10pm and 4pm.
Please share this with anyone in the Pensitone area you think would be interested.
Thank you for reading and sharing.

Let's hope I get plenty of interest!

12 November 2016

Starting a new venture

Met the lovely Sam at Just Because and we are hoping to start regular sewing classes in her shop.  The first one in time for Christmas.  To book a place ring her on 07908 461101.

7 October 2016

Community Spirit

Starting my sewing classes at Penistone has led me to get a grant for equipment from the local town council.

I have put the money towards getting an overlocker for the group.  It came with plenty of freebies and was also on sale.  So lots of value for the money.

One great feature of this overlocker is that it has a free arm, perfect for doing cuffs and hems on trousers.  I got it out and tried the stitches, and wrote on the material what stitch it was.

When I finished playing with the new machine and put it away, I finished this dress.  It is s free pattern from Threadcount and is the dress from pattern number 1607.  I have made it slightly smaller than I normally make as I am at the moment losing weight.

The fabric is a cotton lawn and the collar and cuffs are made using tailoring techniques.  I really enjoyed going back to more technical techniques and my new machine made me proud with the precise buttonholes it made.  I even cheated and sewed the buttons on with my machine.

30 September 2016

Busy Two weeks

Having visited a local pet supplies, I got talking to the owner.  She makes cushions for dog beds stuffed with memory foam pellets.

That got me thinking and I was soon down to Dunelm Mills and bought some memory foam pellets and some material to make him a cushion for his basket.

I made it 10" deep so that it would be doubly comfy.

Next was  a cover for Ruby's bed.  She sleeps in an envelope and this was easy to make, especially as I bought some double sided fleece from Harrogate.  

We then bought 8 cu feet of memory foam pellets and Red's night time cushion was made from the waterproof material bought from Pennine Outdoors.

The left over fleece was made into a blanket.

Then I washed the cover from his old night time cushion and transformed it into a cushion for his summer house bed.

Then the spare night time cushion was unstuffed and made into a cushion for Dan.  Not that Red would get out of the basket so that I could photo it.

Whilst on a roll, I have made a cushion for the living room out of the spare material.

Now it's time to make something for myself, I think I've earned it.

Where do you think Dan and Red are sleeping now?  Dan is on the landing at the top of the stairs and Red is on the sofa. 

21 September 2016

Phew - Assignments Completed

In May of this year I thought it would be a great idea to learn more about using my overlocker, so I enrolled on the Martha Pullen Serger II Licensing Agreement internet course.  This course would not only be teaching me new skills but giving me a license (if I pass) to teach the lessons they have on the course.

In May the deadline of the 30th September seemed so far away.  Then I started the course and panicked.  There were videos to watch, new feet for my overlocker to buy and lots of supplies to get - most of them not available in this country.  Oops.

But on Sunday I finished the last piece and I have today submitted the assignment.  All I need to do now is wait for my accreditation.

Martha Pullen is mainly known for her Heirloom Sewing and the intricate and delicate nature of that style of sewing.  Tiny stitches and delicate fabrics spring to mind.  This course was mainly to do Heirloom Sewing on an overlocker!  How?  Was my first question.  But as the months went by and the number of practise pieces you have to do were completed, I soon understood how delicate sewing was achievable on an overlocker.

As well as inserting lace and bridging, I have learnt how to insert zips with an overlocker.  Not as strange as it sounds, and really very easy - just different.

We even had to complete some patchwork using an overlocker.  For me, though, this technique is superfluous and uses far too much thread.

One of the first things was to attach bridging and lace to fabric and to make pin tucks.  I got the bridging wrong, so had to resubmit it.

This was resubmitted and I got it right this time.

 Patchwork with an overlocker, not only that, but 1/4" seams and a bowtie patch as well

Then making a small zipped bag.  With lace and ribbon insertions.

Two placemats that are bound in two different ways.  I thought this was a waste of thread as all the seams are flat-locked.

Now for something more associated with an overlocker and that is jersey.  So next came a cotton jersey camisole, but just to make it a little bit more difficult, we had to add a ribbon trim.

Now for the last piece using some heirloom techniques.  This is an underneath slip for a 4 year old girl.  Frills and skirt gathered and attached by overlocker.  My sewing machine didn't feel left out on this project because there are 4 tiny buttons and buttonholes on the back.

Lets hope I have done enough, and I can't wait to do some sewing lessons on these techniques.

There are other lessons as well and I hope to do some of these and show you pictures in time, but please do not hold your breath.  I have endless dog cushions to make at the moment. 

27 July 2016

Zipped Vinyl Pouch

If you look over to the right of this blog, you will see I have a new tutorial in there.

I have been a little bit busy and with the material I have bought from Pennine Outdoors, I have crafted myself a zipped bag.

I have decided to make it 8" by 10", a sort of A4 size, so that I can take projects with me on my travels.  The one I have featured in my tutorial has already been to work with my sock knitting in it.  I put the handle over my wrist and was away.  Happy Days.

For the quilters out there, I have based the design on a piece of layer cake, then with an 8" zip and the vinyl I was on a roll.

Here's the second one I made

I can see my layer cakes becoming pouches!

23 July 2016

Love Sewing - Amelia Tea Dress

I have recently subscribed to Love Sewing Magazine and July's issue included the lovely Amelia Tea Dress.

On a shopping trip out with my sister I bought some beautiful floaty viscose and I already had some shirring elastic, so I had to make it for the summer.

Here I am "fashioning" it

My latest purchases are, some curtain fabric from Dunelm Mill to make a 60's inspired coat.

During our recent trip to The Lake District we called at Pennine Outdoors.  I so love getting the opportunity to indulge my passion whilst away and hubby was very obliging  but only because I bought some material to make him a jacket.  I bought some clear PVC and two lots of lightweight breathable waterproof material to make two coats, one for me and one for hubby.


Then whilst in Lancaster I bought some Liberty Lawn from Standfast and Barracks.  

Hopefully over the next couple of months I can get enough time to make them up.

29 June 2016

New Sewing Class Venue

Starting on Tuesday 13th September, I will be moving my sewing classes to Penistone.

I have secured a beautiful bright room with plenty of plug sockets and work space in St John's Community Centre, Church Street in Penistone.  It is the IT room, if you go in the entrance on the left (with the large ramp), go into the main hall and take the first door on the left, numbered room 1.  At the same time Slimming World will be running, so the caretakers will have put some screens up to separate the two classes.  There is ample car parking, I have secured a boiler for us and I will bring tea and coffee.  

Hope you can come, all abilities are welcome and is a great place to be with like minded people.

19 June 2016

Time on my hands

I am definitely someone who can't sit still.  Friday was my washing day this week, and I always go into my work room on these days.  But I hadn't got anything ready to make.  So, time to look through my scraps.  I found the left overs of my Yorkshire Sayings material.

First of all I made a cushion for hubby.

A couple of weeks ago I bought Simplicity Pattern 1153, and made view A, a tote bag.  I do like this and I will be using it to take my lunch to work.

In a couple of hours I made two things from scraps and it all cost me nothing.

18 June 2016

Emerald Green Dress

The Emerald Green "Silk" I bought in India has been made up into a beautiful dress.

The pattern I used was New Look K6723, the material I bought in India and from Minerva Crafts I bought the lining, zip, buckle and thread making a total cost of about £45.00.

The fabric proved tricky to work with and it was fraying as I breathed.  So I actually made it up in 5 days, not giving it time to fray.  Sewing was mainly done on working days and sitting down for a couple of hours a day. Not easy when you work 12 hour shifts.  In total (including making a toile) it took me 8 hours to make.  so how they do it on Great British Sewing Bee in 6 hours I don't know!

My one regret with it, is that I bought some black interlining, but didn't use it.  The skirt is too light and I need to look at the waist again.  I am thinking of taking it in at the waist and putting some petersham in there to give the waist some substance.

I wore it last Wednesday at one of my sewing classes and it was very comfy and I shall definitely be wearing it again.

Now to make my 50's petticoat.

17 June 2016

Cowl Neck Dress

This dress I eventually made from the book, "Sew Many Dresses sew little time" by Tanya Whelan.

This is not a very flattering photograph of me in the dress.

I really enjoyed the process of drafting the pattern and the fit is lovely.  As the material has got some lycra in it, it is really comfortable.

The material is Blue Parasol from Stitch Fabrics and I bought 3m at a cost of £30.00.

A truly unique dress, so pleased!

1 May 2016

Paying for my time

I sew and I love to sew.  If I see something I like and want and I can make it, I will.  

My sewing started when I was very young (3 or 4 years old), my mum and grandma sewed and therefore so did I.  At first it was just things or clothes for dolly, but I soon started making clothes for me.  My mum made my clothes and I sort of rebelled, because I wanted to wear more "modern" clothes and something different to my sister.

It was the early 1970's and clothes were expensive - everything was expensive.  I remember my mum crying because she had bought 5lb of potatoes and inside her bag (you went to the greengrocers with your string bag) was a large pebble.  She had just bought a very expensive pebble and to top it all we wouldn't have enough potatoes for the week.  Anyway - we could only dream of buying clothes off the peg and apart from C&A, Woolworths and BHS, there wasn't much choice.  Grandma was great, she made all our best clothes and even bought us clothes from Marks and Spencers.  She worked at S R Gents, who made clothes for Marks and Spencers, so had contacts.

In my teens I started making clothes for me, one off items.  There were plenty of fabric shops and lots to choose from.  I saved my pocket money and bought wisely.  It never occurred to me to make clothes for other people.  

But over the past thirty years or so I have been asked to make clothes for people and I have always refused.  Or I have been honest and told them how much it would cost.  Many brides-to-be ask me to make their bridesmaid dresses.  I'm sure they think I am cheap and are very surprised when my quote is far more than their off the peg wedding dress.  

One of the biggest costs is my labour, but material can only be bought in small quantities and therefore don't have the bulk price that the manufacturers can buy at.  My labour charge is £15 an hour and add to that the cost of consumables and electricity etc.  I am just too expensive.

In my last post I showed you one of the aprons I made

I posted the picture on Facebook as it was of interest to my friends.  Not all my makes go on Facebook because I like my friends to guess what I have made.

Well a neighbour say the apron and wanted one for her Dad.  She asked me if I would make one and said there was no rush as she didn't need it until August.  I never really answered her at the time, I never do, just changed the subject.  The material is from The Little Button Co and they also sell the aprons.  I know I have made one, but it was for my own use and a "gift" for my mum.  I say "gift" because she paid me for the material.  The material for one apron costs £18.  They sell their aprons for £18.  I know my neighbour would buy one off me for £25, as I guess she thinks she is doing me a favour.  But I should confess and say that I would be in breach of copyright and get her to buy one from The Little Button Co. 

My husband appreciates what I make and loves the quirky things I make him and as for my mum, how many aprons would pay for all the times she has wiped my bum, nose or blooded knee?

10 April 2016

This weeks makes

This week I have managed to finish four items.

From the material I bought in India I have finished one of the dresses and a scarf.  Just as the weather is turning warm and the hope of summer is in the air.

Before cutting out the pattern pieces I didn't check the width of the sleeves.  They are too narrow for me to get my arms in and the shoulders end up just above my elbows.  I haven't got fat arms, but it was a pattern I hadn't tried before.  How many times do I tell my students to measure twice?  So I will be taking the sleeves out and having a sleeveless dress.  I don't have any spare material to make anymore sleeves.  I love how the material has been printed giving a beautiful border around the bottom.

If you are wondering what Neve is up to at the moment and how big she is, you can just see one of her paws in the above picture.  But here she is in full.  

The window behind her is my sewing room, and on sunny days she loves to lie on the table and watch me through the window.  I have even had the window open a couple of times and she puts her head through and falls asleep.  

I hemmed the scarf material, not much of a boast, but here it is.

This week some material I ordered came.  From The Little Button Co, it is upholstery weight cotton covered in Yorkshire sayings.  Check them out, they have some lovely gifts and fabric for sale.  This photograph was taken after I had washed it at 60 degs and it had no colour runs and was easy to iron.

So far I have made two aprons, but I only managed to take a photograph of one because my mum took hers before I could photograph it.

From the left over material I hope to make a couple of flat caps, one for me and hubby and a cushion cover.

5 April 2016

What to give my Mum for her birthday

Here's the dilemma:

For her birthday I normally either make my mum something or I give her a present of something she can make.  But this year, whilst on holiday, I bought her a jacket she liked.

I have seen people making appliqué cards and wondered how hard it could be.  So I had a go and here it is - 

For my first attempt, I don't think this is bad.  The writing I think could be better, but that comes with practise.

I know she will like it.  What Mum doesn't like anything her children make?

30 March 2016

Catch Up

As promised I am letting you see what I have made recently.

In October a student wanted a pattern for a twist front t-shirt.  She showed me a picture and after a few tries I managed to draft a pattern and make a t-shirt.

Needless to say my student hasn't made hers and I haven't worn this either.

To test out my new overlocker I then bought some t-shirt material to make a long sleeve t-shirt for myself.  Using Simplicity 1070 I was able to make a beautifully fitting t-shirt.

This t-shirt fits lovely and the hems look really professional using my coverstitch function on my overlocker.  I wore it with jeans to teach sewing.

It was time now to tackle my nemesis full in the face - trousers!  I have such a strange shape that I can not buy ready made trousers and I wanted to make some trousers, just so that I can say to my students that I can.  

I wore these for teaching that night and they fitted great, except they were too flared for me.  So back in the wardrobe they have gone and I will make them narrower when I get time!

I was now to go to India for three weeks and was determined to buy some fabric whilst there.  Not until the last day was I allowed to go to a fabric shop, with only about half an hour I bought some fabric.

The first three were in a pack to make an indian outfit, enough for a smock, trousers and a scarf.  I will make two dresses and a scarf.  Despite being told they were cotton, after washing they were obviously poly cotton.  But for six metres of material for £12, it was still a bargain and the colours are my favourites and they will remind me of my holiday.
The purple flowered material is also a poly cotton and washed really well, I bought three metres and hope to make a fifties styled dress from it.  
The emerald green material was sold to me as silk, but is a man made fabric, I loved the colour, was short of time and it was cheap, only £18.00.  It too, has washed well and I have a lovely pattern to make another fifties style dress from it.

At the end of November I was asked to teach yet another tunic dress.  For this time I made a light denim dress.

I have to say it looks better on the mannequin than it does on me.  I wore it to teach and don't think I will wear it again.  Hopefully the trend for tunic dresses is over, as I haven't found anyone they suit.

In early December I took my sister, Rachel, to Fabworks. To get some material for me to make an outfit to wear on Christmas day and also to get Rachel her Christmas present as well.  I bought her some tweed material and she took this home to make a shawl.  I bought some jersey and made her a dress, here it is and she loved it.

I have enough material left to make me a sleeveless top.

I bought some scuba and jersey to make a skirt; jacket and t-shirt for me.  Using the Simplicity 1070 pattern and on the 23rd December I finished the skirt and top, just in time for Christmas.

The jacket I finished at the end of March

The outfit looks great together and I wear it often to teach.

During December I started to take my overlocker to classes every week.  I tried to get a wheeled case for it, but these have been discontinued.  So I made myself a cover.  It is however waiting for a frame to protect the overlocker - hubby?

As it was made from materials and other items that are surplus or given to me it actually cost me nothing.

In February I found a jacket pattern I loved,  it is Kwik Sew K4139 and I found some gorgeous material from Stitch Fabrics.  It's called Blake Winter and is very soft.  the jacket is lovely to wear, but more for spring or autumn.

I hope you like my finished projects.  Hope not to be so long in writing again.  But I need to get lots of sewing done now that Neve will let me sit for hours on end.